I don’t like January.  In fact, I think I downright hate it.  But I don’t like the word hate either.  That should be reserved for things I really hate–like–evil, lies, and sickness.  But to hate a month?  Really?  Come on, Krista.

Right now, though, in this grand time of newness and all things exciting, I’m not feeling it.  I’m not feeling the love for January.  I even wrote a post a few weeks ago about feeling stuck.  Many of you responded and showed your agreement.  But it’s the 24th, and here I am.  Still stuck.

I wasn’t planning to admit this to you.  In fact, I’ve tried to think of other writing topics, but none come to mind.  Until now.  A friend of mine shared a blog post this week.  She said, “your story is one of the most beautiful gifts you can offer the world.  Even in all its ugly imperfection.”  And then she challenged her readers to dare to go first and share their story.  Thank you, Michele.*

So, I’m going first.  I’m putting it out there.  The ugly truth. January for me means the beginning of something I’m not ready to begin.  Last year was filled with ups and downs for sure, but December marked the end of something that I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to.  A closed chapter in this great book of life—that I’m not ready to put down yet.

Maybe it’s because I can count on two hands the people I know that are dealing with critical health issues in the new year.  That’s a lot of precious people.  I wonder why them and not me?  And my mind goes to that dark place of fear.  Are you preparing me for something, Lord?  Will it be me next?  Or someone near and dear to me?

Maybe it’s an uncertainty I feel about this country and its economic future.  Perhaps I hold too tightly to my checkbook and wonder if we could lose everything we’ve worked hard to save.

Maybe I’m far too analytical and I think too much, causing fear to take root in my life.

And we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10

Do you remember Wonder Woman?  Lynda Carter in her glory days?  I watched that show faithfully when I was growing up. Between you and me, I even acted out a scene or two in my homemade Wonder Woman costume.  Remember how she used her golden lasso to capture the evil-doers of the world?  That’s how I picture this verse.

We were created with brilliant minds. Minds that don’t easily forget.  Minds that are capable of processing several pieces of information on any given day.  And minds that can easily ponder thoughts that aren’t healthy.  It’s in those moments that we need to lasso in the negative thoughts and place them before Jesus.  Take captive what we know to not be healthy and bring it before our Lord.

The golden lasso had another function.  When lassoed around someone it forced them to tell the truth, or caused them to be obedient.  It’s interesting to think about.  When we recognize unhealthy thoughts consuming us, and take them captive, we are really calling on the Lord to speak truth into our minds and make our thoughts obedient to Him.

I believe we all have our seasons—our Januarys.  We have times where we fall victim to the lies, and let them consume us.  I don’t like this season.  I want it to be done.  But it’s part of my story, and I’m learning how to deal.  I’m learning.  I don’t think the results will be instant, but I’m quite optimistic about this imaginary golden lasso.

