The Secret to the Land of Clean Living

Last night I noticed a beautiful lightening display out to the east.  It wasn’t the dangerous kind, like the storm produced a week ago.  It was pretty.  And given the distance from us, it was safe to watch outside.  I called the family and we sat on the porch laughing, talking and taking in the beautiful show nature had produced.  Then the strangest thing happened.

Matt started noticing some neglected areas in our yard. He started fiddling with a burned out lightbulb from one of our garden lights.  And fixed it!  Then he remembered a garden light he had purchased, oh about a year ago, but never had time to install.  It’s been sitting in the garage, in its box, gathering lots and lots of dust.  Soon he had his tool box out and was installing the new garden light.

We continued to watch the lightening show while Matt worked away, tidying up here and there.

I’m thinking tomorrow night we’ll sit in the garage?  And the next night in his closet?  Who knows what could happen.  By the end of the month this house might be as I’ve always dreamed…tidy and organized in every nook and cranny.

Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and nagging wife. Proverbs 21:19

Oh yeah, and then there’s that little nugget of scripture.

Never mind.
