853 Reasons to Believe

It’s been one of those weeks. I’ve felt busy, out of sorts, even distracted. I’ve not been able to put my finger on it. To figure out what makes me want to burst into tears for no reason at all. Or yell at my sweet kiddos for something minor. And today, Thursday, I figured it out.

My belief system is being tested. My faith is being tried. I don’t like this internal turmoil. I don’t like to go to these dark, challenging places in my mind. I like to think clearly. I like to diagnose my thoughts and then move on.

But not this week.

This week was Vacation Bible School at my church. The plan was to get up each morning, put on a smiling face and minister to 853 kids from Parker, Colorado. But for some reason, the smile on my face didn’t match the feeling inside

I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that here I was pointing these precious kiddos to my Lord and Savior, Jesus, while hundreds of homes were burning to the ground in a wild fire 40 miles away.

Couldn’t do it.

I watched as 300 amazing volunteers served in different capacities at VBS. They shared stories, sang songs and taught lessons about our Lord. Yet, a few miles down the road 1200 firefighters were fighting to save thousands of mountainous acres, homes and structures.

How can this be, God? How can you give me this assignment to lead children to you when I can’t begin to understand the suffering my neighbors are facing in Colorado Springs, Boulder, High Park, and the list of raging wild fires goes on?

I’ve asked the tough questions before. And I’ve heard many answers through the years. But I won’t make any apologies for struggling with these faith issues from time to time—especially when my little reality bubble collides with tragedy a few miles away.

Then today it happened. At Knight’s Quest (that’s the VBS theme this year.) One of the very talented actors, King Michael, presented the Gospel Message to the VBS goers. He made it simple. So kids could understand. And that’s when it hit me.

Oh to have childlike faith again.

No matter what age we are, that’s really what Jesus wants from us. He wants us to come before Him with simple, childlike faith. He wants us to leave our cluttered, grown-up minds at the foot of the cross, and just accept Him as our King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

This isn’t the first time I’ve wrestled with my faith, and I’m certain it won’t be the last. I am fearfully and wonderfully made—and that includes a mind that questions my Creator from time to time. But I’m thankful for the reminder of a childlike heart that, without question, knows the powerful truth of Jesus.

I wish you could have been there to see this. At the closing session of VBS, King Michael led these kids in a beautiful prayer. With heads bowed and eyes closed, each child repeated these words. And at the end, the building erupted with shouts of praise and applause.

“Dear Heavenly Father, King of Kings. We are sorry for our sins. We thank you for Jesus Christ and His sacrifice. And we receive Him as our Lord and Savior. In Jesus Name. Amen.”

Can you picture it? Eight hundred and fifty three kids, in unison, proclaiming these words. Now that’s one beautiful example of childlike faith.
