Izzy on Fish

Izzy: “Mom, if I saved my money for a dog, would you let me get one?” Mom: “A real one?” Izzy: “Yes.” Mom: “No. One, we have one already; and two, I don’t know if you would take care of it.” Izzy: “I would. I take care of my fish.” Mom: “Well, I wouldn’t say that. I feed them about half the time because you forget.” Izzy: “MOM….A dog is […]

Oh You Teachers of the Law

A major snowstorm hit our parts in early February this year, and as you can imagine it slowed traffic down quite a bit for a few days, well at least for some of us. There seems to be a select few drivers in their apartment-size, four-wheel drive vehicles, who insist on passing the slower drivers. It bugs me. I was driving along, knuckles white and gripped to the steering wheel, […]

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